Category Archives: better_living

How to clean your mattress like a Professional Cleaning Service

You spend a good portion of your day relaxing or sleeping in your bed and subsequently a considerable time of your life is spent on your mattress. If you paid attention to the instruction leaflet that came along with your mattress when you purchased it, there is some instruction about how to enhance the life of your life. Taking proper care of your mattress for getting the maximum use out of it is necessary to save money. You are supposed to flip the sides of the mattress every six months and protect it from water and heat. If needed it is to be air-dried only. Such are the instructions that you will find on the instruction manual, but there are unfortunately no tips about how you are supposed to get out the stains if you are to keep it away from water. Luckily we found a detailed guide put together by The Laundry Place on the very topic. You can go to the link and read detailed tips or catch on the summary here. 

  1. To get food stains out of mattress, scrap out the flaky part and take equal parts of alcohol and soapy water to remove the stain completely. 
  2. Wine stains will easily go away with a solution of vinegar and lukewarm water.
  3. For chocolate stain, pour a few drops of milk on it. Milk will dissolve the chocolate and you can then easily take them out.
  4. Takeout ink stains with rubbing alcohol or even your nail polish remover will do the magic.
  5. For bloodstains, dilute hydrogen peroxide in an equal amount of water and spray the foamy mixture.
  6. To take chewing gum out of your mattress or any fabric to say, rub a cube of ice on it and it will loosen up so you can pull it out.

Hope you found the article helpful. If you have any more tips on the topic, please do share and let us know if you have any questions.

P- SHOT – A drug-free pleasure for Men of All ages

For men struggling with sexual dysfunction, a drug-free shot may now provide a solution.

The Priapus Shot, or “P-Shot” for short, is designed to improve the sexual health of men, especially those struggling with performance due to factors such as poor circulation, prostate cancer, diabetes, surgery and medication side effects.

The P-Shot is a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which uses the patient’s own blood platelets to kickstart growth and promote healing.

” When the PRP is isolated and injected into the penis, both tissue and blood vessel growth are promoted, leading to improved erectile strength and penile sensitivity,” Dr. Hatchett explains.

A surgeon by the name of Dr. Charles Runels, M.D., is credited for pioneering this ingenious application of PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma) that he has since trademarked as the Priapus Shot. This shot has helped thousands of men achieve new levels of sexual potency, performance, and pleasure.

Read Frequently Ask Question about P-Shot.

Here are some facts and improvements patients experienced in Dr. Runels reports:

  • Better quality of erection
  • One of the safest and most effective ways to treat Peyronie’s Disease
  • Sixty percent report an increase in at ½ inch in penis length and girth
  • Feeling like you’ve turned back the clock on your love life
  • Dramatically increases blood flow to the penis by opening the small arteries and capillaries without crating systemic vascular side effects like Viagra and other medications
  • Since PRP is derived from your own body , there has never been any reported systematic side effects
  • Takes one to six weeks to see results; full effects are achieved within three months
  • Improved sensation
  • Results can last up to 2 tears
  • Creates an overall healthier sexual organ


Generally, men in good health who want to improve their sexual well-being are good candidates for the Priapus-Shot. Many men choose this therapy when they considered all of it advantages:

An all-natural treatments that uses your body’s natural ability to rejuvenate tissue

No side effects common to other sexual wellness treatments, such as lumpiness, nodules, necrotic tissue, or allergic reactions

A safe therapy administered by a doctor using FDA-approved technology

Procedure is done in the office and takes less than an hour

Urologist, Dr. Terence Teoh of  Pinnacle Figure aesthetic clinic is a certified provider of the Priapus-shot. Book an appointment with him.

Your concern about #whitening #drips and what #doctors say?

Your concern about whitening drips and what doctors say?

Before you sign up for any aesthetic treatment or any procedure it is advisable that you discuss all your concerns with your doctor or a medical specialist who is supervising the treatment. Understanding what the whitening drip contains, what is its mode of action and what side effects you can expect fro it can help your anxiety before the treatment. Here are some frequently asked questions that people ask to express their concerns regarding whitening drips and their answers by doctors.


Q1) Are whitening drips an attempt to whitewash the world?

It’s understandable that some might take offend from any sort of whitening treatment, after all, we should be comfortable in our skin. However, on this day, opinions about such sensitive topics are more fluid and it is encouraged that skin lightening treatments should be seen as a personal choice and no differently from skin tanning. Its human nature to want what they do not have, white people suntan, spray or take several other treatments to have skin tone similar to Asians, while in most Asian cultures lighter skin tone is more desirable. The only thing we should be concerned about is the intensity of possible side effects or medical complications. 

Q2) How safe are these drips?

The answer to this question greatly depends upon where you are getting the drip. A certified doctor will use drips from the only authentic brand and administer them after ensuring that you are not intolerant to any of the ingredients. A doctor will rule out certain medical conditions and drugs that can interact with the components of the drip before approving the whitening drip for you. The safety of these drips has not to be established for pregnant women, therefore a doctor will never administer this drip if you are or could be pregnant.

Q3) What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

Depending upon the type of drip, you may experience different kinds of side effects but all of those should subside in a day or two. Like most drips, you should expect some mild at the spot of needle insertion and more frequent bowel movements. You must keep in mind that there is no one formula for these whitening drips, some clinic offers a mix of vitamin-rich drips, some drips are predominantly vitamin C and others may have glutathione. The dosage of vitamins and antioxidants may vary across the drips. Since taking vitamins that your body is not deficient on, or vitamins in a higher dosage than recommended can actually harm your body.

Q4) How soon after the drip I will see a difference in my skin tone?

Your body will feel better hydrated to some degree, immediately after the drip and due to vitamins, you will feel more energetic. However, a significant difference in skin tone will come gradually. You should have realistic expectations, it’s not a magic pill that you pop and you are snow white. You might have to take 3 to 12 drip sessions, and wait for around four to six months before you can see a noticeable change in your skin tone. This greatly depends upon your skin tone, physical health and the components of drip, therefore it is recommended you should discuss this beforehand with your doctor to avoid any disappointments.

If you have any further queries book your consultation appointment with Dr. Terence at Pinnacle Figure aesthetic clinic. He does not push you to get treatments that you do not need and make recommendations based upon their professional qualifications and years of experience. Services offered at the clinic are of international standards and the usual charge half the market price. The ethical practices and friendly staff is the reason the brand has grown so quickly in popularity.

How to #upgrade your #closet as you grow #older and #richer

How to upgrade your closet as you grow older and richer

Most people accumulate wealth as they age. If you are smart, after the years of hard work and saving money you will be able to afford a better lifestyle. With more money in your bank, you can now afford more luxurious brands and fancy suiting. You also want to look more decent and less funky so you are taken seriously by your juniors and people working under you. For professional people, it is more important to have a formal and professional wardrobe. However, as you age you learn the value of comfort and you want to feel relaxed and presentable at the same time. This calls for an up-gradation in your closet.

Step 1: Organise and Declutter

Start with being more organized and less cluttered in your closet. If your personal spaces are more organized and presentable, it will be easier for you to appear more put-together in public. As people grow older they become more sentimental and have memories attached to their possessions which makes it hard to declutter things. Don’t hoard things, and throw away what you will not use. You don’t go out to party on weekends anymore so throw out those skinny jeans. That funky colored t-shirt and bright and loud scarf also need to go. Now, you prefer to wear a tracksuit for work out sessions and that sleeveless gym shirt feels inappropriate so throw it out, doesn’t matter if you first met your wife wearing that shirt. 

Step 2: Trade sophisticated for stylish

It’s best to dress your age and keep in mind your comfort. As you know its time to get rid of skinny jeans and pencil heals, invest in some nice and knee-length sleek skirts and wedge heel pumps. Those hoops and long earrings are not for you anymore, you need to buy those ear studs. While you can wear a red top but you need to tone it down with white or grey pants and layer a well-fitted coat over it if its a formal occasion.

Step 3: Hire a reliable Laundry service

 Since now you own more professional and expensive outfits, for the longevity of their life you should let experts attend to your laundry needs. You have the money now and you can afford the luxury, why worn yourself out when you already feel tired most days? Besides you can read this article from the laundry place explaining well why you need to dry clean your expensive outfits. The Laundry Place has a reputable name in the industry of laundry, dry cleaning and professional house and office cleaning. Their word on this topic must be considered reliable.