Category Archives: Biometric Technology

Why #Public #Safety #professional always carry #walkie #talkies with them

Why Public Safety professional always carry walkie talkies with them

Professionals working in public safety need to deal with urgencies and communication is critical in such situations. The walkie talkies offer efficient communication in a circumstance where other devices fail.

How does Walkie Talkie work?

Basically, they are handheld, mobile radio devices that communicate through radio waves. The devices can tune into a certain radio frequency band and find the communication. Unlike a radio set, a walkie talkie is able both send and receive signals they are heavier than your regular radio set that receives the live broadcast from a radio station. The walkie talkie is capable of converting sound energy into a radion signal and channeling it to to the set range. It is also able to receive radio frequency signals and convert it back into voice or sound energy.

What are digital Walkie Talkies?

When everything else is becoming digital due to advancement in technology you can also find digital walkie talkies now. The digital walkie talkies are the modern version of big fat and ugly walkie talkies which are sleeker and have many more functions. They have LED colored screens that display the graphics. You can install apps that can help group communication and GPS tracking, making the rescue missions easier. This advancement helps in tracking team members and coordinating better. This modernization has made the walkie talkie a better fit in a rapidly growing smart technology-oriented word. Companies are working hard to better facilitate the demands of corporate clients like airport management, event organizers and industrialists.

More and more businesses are turning towards digital walkie talkies for better communication as they have the wonderful benefit of radiofrequency communication combines with the smart technology of application and digital display of graphs and action plans. The scoop for walkie talkie in all professions is growing every day due to the cost-effective communication mode they offer. This one-time investment offers a long term solution for the communication needs of the organization. The pocket-friendly handheld devices can easily fit in your pocket and more sleek designs now do not interfere with your movements while you roam around the work site enacting your plan. Many projects are completed more efficiently and operations are run smoothly due to these walkie talkie devices.


If you are looking to buy great but affordable walkie talkie sets, here is a great guide compiled by Sole Engineering. Sole engineering is one of the largest suppliers of walkie talkie, walkie talkie accessories, rf cables, connectors, and RFID tracking technology. 

#Portable #PA System can help your tour guide business

Portable PA System can help your tour guide business

A portable PA System also called a portable Public Adress System, is suitable for communicating with larger groups of audience. They are the sound systems which you take with you from one place to another place for addressing or entertaining a larger gathering of people.

The system mainly constitutes of input devices like microphones, mixing set up to manipulate the sound (like amplifying and changing the bass or beat) and the output device like speakers. Portable PA System can significantly improve the quality of services for event management business, but it is of great help specifically tour guides and tour organiser companies. A high-quality portable PA system will deliver crisp and clear sound performance, while you get to control the volume you would like.

  • It amplifies your voice with great clarity so you can guide and communicate conveniently without having to shot uncomfortably. Your clients can enjoy their tours better because of the improved quality of service and convince.
  • It works great for both outdoor and indoor settings so you do not have to worry about the change of routes, circumstances. It will work as good in the fields and caves as it will work inside the tour bus. Communicating with your guests will never be a problem again. This helps ensure the safety of group of people you are leading.
  • It has multiple input options like microphones, cd players and USB ports to meet your all your needs.
  • It’s a wireless solution when you are on the go. This is a great convince when you are exploring sites and having adventures with your clients.
  • Considering the nature of your job the huge and heavy to carry night club amplifiers and woofers are not a great choice. Mobile nature of your job is not an issue if you have a portable PA system with you. It’s portable and lightweight so very continent to carry around while you are moving.
  • Great Portable PA systems come with extended battery timings or replaceable batteries so your system can last for days even when you are camping out in faraway places or hiking mountains for several days in a go.

Sole Engeeniring has compiled a great guy about features to look for when buying a portable PA system. They also supply great quality products including portable PA systems, RF cables and connectors, walkie talkie sets and their accessories. If you are interested in buying any of these products do visit their website as they sell authentic products and have great customer service.


Are Smart Locks popular in Malaysia a good fit for your home?

In modern times the living arrangements are changing and so does the need for home security. In contrast to old fashioned houses, more and more people are now living in shared residential buildings like hostels, apartment complexes, and condos. Several people coming in and going out, using multiple keys for the same lock, increases the probability of lost or misplaced keys and locking the keys in the house. This makes the task of security more complicated and tradition lock and system often becomes an inconvenience and hassle rather than providing a sense of comfort. This is the reason, smart locks offering keyless convenience are gaining more and more probability. Also, they fit just right in with other smart appliances of a modern home. However, the question remains if they are the right choice for you and your family? 

Property owners vs Tenants

If you are the owner of your residence it is your choice if you wish to change your locks. However, if you are living in a rented property, you must first discuss with your landlord and get written permission from them before changing your locks. It is an extra hassle but very important to consider before you decide to change your locks otherwise you can get into some serious legal trouble.

Keyless Conviness

Not having to fumble through your bag to look for keys is a convenience that anyone can definitely get used to pretty quick. Smart locks can detect your presence through Bluetooth of your mobile and auto-unlock themselves for you. This is a super cool feature that eliminates the need for unlocking the door without compromising the security of your home. Your neighbors will watch you step out of your car and simply walk into your door as if it was never locked, but if they try to trespass they simply can not because the door is indeed locked and they have no clue. Smart locks will also send you alerts if someone tries to physically manipulate your locks.

Restrict and Monitor Acess

If you have several adults in your family or baby sitters and house help that you might have to grant access to, smart locks are something you really should consider. Smart Locks can now give restricted access to the key holders. Now you can enable some pin codes for certain hours of the day. These passwords will not unlock the door at any other time of the day. This means that the babysitter can unlock your door only during the hours when she is supposed to babysit. You can also monitor on your smartphone at what time your door was unlocked, and which password was used to unlock it. This can be really handy in narrowing down the search for intruders in case of a break-in. You can easily check which code the burglar used to break into your house. This advanced feature will give you great peace of mind and a sense of control and security.

Biometric Identification

Young kids and elderly people with Alzheimer’s or other memory problems can frequently lose keys or simply forget about them. If you have family members who need unsupervised access to home but they can not be trusted with keys, a smart lock can help solve your problem. Fingerprint scanners in smart lock grant access to your family without the need of carrying any other form of key or identification.

Creating a Personal Space

Some people like to have some privacy or personal space, where they can enjoy alone time. Others may need a more secure place to keep confidential files or valuable belongings like jewelry or cash. For all these reasons you can install a smart lock inside your home to restrict access to a certain room of your home. Or you can create a private library or workstation by installing a smart lock. You can install a smart lock outside your garage. 


If you feel that you also need to upgrade your home security, there are some smart locks that can work fine without removing your traditional lock. There are some smart locks that will physically replace your old school lock and key. Most smart locks come with their own batteries to provide power supplies that can be replaced. This ensures that your home security is intact even if the power supply to your home is cut down by an intruder. You can consult with Nino Digital System, the largest supplier of smart locks in Malaysia to help you chose the right smart lock for your home and security needs. They have a wide range of smart locks available to meet your standards and merits. Their high-quality products have earned them a great reputation in the market and credibility among the customers.


What is a Key less Lock? How Does it Unlock?

Science and technology have advanced to a level that man now possesses a power very similar to magic. Indeed if a man from a century ago were to visit us, he would think we were all wizards and witches performing magic casually as we go about our day. We can predict the weather accurately, heat up our food without lighting fire and can communicate with people thousands of miles away as if they were sitting next to us. It is enchanting that we practically carry the entire world on our pocket yet here we are wondering what are keyless locks and how do you unlock them without a key? Let’s unmask the truth of keyless locks.

How does keyless lock work?

Keyless locks are smart locks that are digital locks that do not require a physical metalic key to unlock them instead they are unlocked using encrypted codes in the form of digital pin codes or biometric identification. These locks are tiny systems powered by the current that is attached to a sensor or keypad which receives the encrypted code and send it to the system, which matches the code with authorized coded and if it is identified as authentic passcode the access is granted and the door is unlocked.

These digital locks are attached to smartphones which are through a mobile application that enables creating and deleting codes also helps in controlling and monitoring the lock. This means that through your mobile app you can know which family member used their code or identity to unlock the code as you can create different authorized codes for different authorized people.

What happens if someone enters an incorrect code?

If a person enters an incorrect code, access is denied, after several attempts of incorrect code depending upon the system might go in safe mode and deny any more attempts unless you enter the master code. Some locks might prevent you from making any further attempts for 30 seconds after five consecutive wrong attempts. This is to discourage any intruders, as they will not want to wait out half a minute when they have mostly had a window of a few minutes. Some smart locks are also capable of sending alerts to your smartphone under such circumstances. Some locks have alarms that set off if someone attempts to physically violate them. 

What are the benefits of Keyless locks?

Other than the convince of not to carry a key, it saves you from the embarrassment of locking yourself out of your home. You will not spend time looking for keys in your pockets or bag. The added feature of alerts takes security to the next level. The ability to remotely monitor and control the locks is a comfort and peace of mind that matches none.

Who should get KeyLess Lock?

Due to the advanced level of security and peace of mind, these smart locks are very popular among corporations, hotels, hospitals and rental properties. Many homeowners are also enjoying the keyless convince that these smart locks bring in life. It is great for the household with young children and elderly family members who have a hard time keeping track of a key. Biometric identification or fingerprint locks can be an excellent choice in such cases.

 No doubt these smart locks are improving the quality of life for many.

Where I can get Keyless Lock in Malaysia?

Nino Digital System is one of the largest suppliers of Philips Digital Door Locks in Malaysia. You can contact their customer support to get more information about the keyless locks and what type of lock will fit your needs better. You can choose from a variety of locks available with them that have diverse features. They have authorized dealers so you can get quality product and correct quotation for price.


What is a Key less Lock? How Does it Unlock?

Science and technology have advanced to a level that man now possesses a power very similar to magic. Indeed if a man from a century ago were to visit us, he would think we were all wizards and witches performing magic casually as we go about our day. We can predict the weather accurately, heat up our food without lighting fire and can communicate with people thousands of miles away as if they were sitting next to us. It is enchanting that we practically carry the entire world on our pocket yet here we are wondering what are key less locks and how do you unlock them without a key? Let’s unmask the truth of key less locks.

How does key less lock work?

Key less locks are smart locks are digital locks which do not require a physical metallic key to unlock them instead they are unlocked using encrypted codes in the form of digital pin codes or biometric identification. These locks are tiny systems powered by the current that is attached to a sensor or keypad which receives the encrypted code and send it to the system, which matches the code with authorized coded and if it is identified as authentic pass code the access is granted and the door is unlocked.

These digital locks are attached to smartphones which are through a mobile application which enables creating and deleting codes also helps in controlling and monitoring the lock. This means that through your mobile app you can know which family member used their code or identity to unlock the code as you can create different authorized codes for different authorized people.

What happens if someone enters an incorrect code?

If a person enters an incorrect code, access is denied, after several attempts of incorrect code depending upon the system might go in safe mode and deny any more attempts unless you enter the master code. Some locks might prevent you from making any further attempts for 30 seconds after five consecutive wrong attempts. This is to discourage any intruders, as they will not want to wait out half a minute when they have mostly had a window of a few minutes. Some smart locks are also capable of sending alerts to your smartphone under such circumstances. Some locks have alarms that set off if someone attempts to physically violate them. 

What are the benefits of Key less locks?

Other than the convince of not to carry a key, it saves you from the embarrassment of locking yourself out of your home. You will not spend time locking for keys in you pockets or bag. The added feature of alerts takes security to the next level. The ability to remotely monitor and control the locks is a comfort and peace of mind that matches none.

Who should get KeyLess Lock?

Due to the advanced level of security and peace of mind, these smart locks are very popular among the corporations, hotels, hospitals and rental properties. Many homeowners are also enjoying the key less convince that these smart locks bring in life. It is great for the household with young children and elderly family members who have a hard time keeping track of a key. Bio metric identification or fingerprint locks can be an excellent choice in such cases.

 No doubt these smart locks are improving the quality of life for many.

Where I can get Key less Lock in Malaysia?

Nino Digital System is one of the largest suppliers of Philips Digital Door Locks in Malaysia. You can contact their customer support to get more information about the key less locks and what type of lock will fit your needs better. You can choose from a variety of locks available with them that have diverse features. They have authorized dealers so you can get quality product and correct quotation for price.


Corporations in Malaysia Are Using Digital Locks to Restrict and Monitor Access

The traditional cylinder locks are already a thing of past for most corporate clients seeking security for their offices, warehouses, and factories. The main reason for this is their vulnerability to physical assault. Businessmen in Malaysia are willing to invest in better, more efficient and smarter security options. Digital door locks offer the key-less convenience with competent resistance towards physical manipulation and alarm systems to alert against the physical assault.

Aesthetic Design

Sleek designs and modern look of the digital locks make them a perfect fit for the state-of-the-art factories or showrooms that businessmen are proud of. They would fit right in the high tech environment of heavy machinery loaded plant but also in the elegant showroom of cars or even at fancy restaurants and guest houses.

Key-less Convenience

When the shift changes the staff is no more required to pass down the keys to people working the next shift. This clears up any unnecessary hassle and does not leave any room for confusion or miscommunications. No more accidents and emergencies due to lost keys. Your staff will not have to wait outside the building for you to bring them the keys just because the key keeper didn’t show up that day. You can just send one of them a temporary code to access the building and save time and resources. You do not even need to give pin-code to any of your employs when you can remotely lock and unlock the doors yourself.

Limited-time access

The expensive machinery or classified information, whatever you need to guard is a lot more secure if smart locks are installed at the doors. The access is granted to only the ones with verified access code. You can generate one-time access codes or limited time access codes which will only work during certain hours of the day. You can set different access codes for people working in different shifts. You can also set the codes to grant access on certain days of the week while denying access during other days so no irresponsible worker attempts to break into the building during the weekends.

The Alarm Systems

The digital locks are capable of sending notifications and alerts to your smartphones. If someone attempts to physically manipulate your digital door locks, you will be alerted. In case of any physical assault, the alarms will go off. This highly sensitive and intelligent feature further increases the suitability of digital locks for businesses in Malaysia. Some smart locks also support a feature that will send an alert if someone attempts to open the door from inside after it was locked from the outside. This increases the security one step further.

Multiple options

Since digital locks use encrypted keys to unlock, there are different kinds of encrypted key you can choose from as per your need or preference. You can opt for the popular Pin code, which required a numerical assortment as a password to grant access. Another option is key cards that are popularly used by hotels where you swipe the card through the lock to open the door. An option some corporations paying hourly to employs prefer is the bio metric access which also functions to mark the check-in and check-out time thus making the wage calculation easier.

If you wish to upgrade the security system of your business and meet the world at modern standards you can consult Nino Digital System, the largest suppliers of smart locks in Malaysia. They can guide you in choosing the best smart lock that will meet your corporations need and standards for security. Nino Digital System offers you a wide range of services and great customer support. They have earned credibility in the market over the years and are the most reliable service providers in Malaysia for Key-less locks and digital security. It could be your next smart decision to take your business a step further.

Use Biometric Scanner for Security of Homes and Offices

Biometric scanner

Biometrics technology prevents any unauthorized access to areas that need security. Biometric scanner is commonly used at airports in various countries for screening airline passengers. Many banks and financial institutions are also using different forms of biometric scanners for security. Fingerprint and retina biometric scanners are used not only to grant access to sensitive areas in financial institutions but also to secure official information stored on computers.

Biometric locks use any of the unique human features such as facial, retina or fingerprint for verification to grant access through doors that need to be secured. Biometric locks using human features cannot be accessed by any other. There are many biometric safes available that use these human features to increase the level of security.

Biometric scanner security devices provide a higher level of safety for consumer and business use. Use of biometric technology is suitable for authentication purposes. These technological advancements are making personal identification much easier. Today a variety of biometric security systems are available in the form of safes, locks, and time clocks.

Some human features are unique for each individual and fingerprint is one of them. Each person’s fingerprint has unique arches, loops and whorls that can identify the person. The advanced biometric scanner can verify each individual accurately by looking at the minutiae details of fingerprints.

Fingerprint image is stored in the database to check that user on his/her entry each time. Once the template is created successfully, the user can get access using the biometric scanner. The user’s fingerprints are scanned and compared with the stored template for identity verification and then access is allowed on matching it with the stored database and denies otherwise.

Biometric secure door locks are also available that scan fingerprint to allow or deny access depending on the authentication. These are commonly used as they give accurate results in identifying individuals. A lot of other biometric systems are available that people and companies use, according to their preferences and requirements.

There are many companies that offer biometric devices all over the world. It is important to choose a reputable company. “Yasmin Teknologi” offers biometric systems and devices for access control in Malaysia. Choose this company if you want to get quality and reliable products.

How Biometric Scanner Are Helpful?

biometric scanner

Fingerprint scanning is a standard biometric method that uses biometric scanner and various other devices or systems for identification. A user’s fingerprint consists of a number of ridges and valleys that are unique for every individual. The fingerprint scanner plate collects a print sample of the ridges and valleys pattern, converts them to a number to compare it with stored template.

Time and attendance systems have upgraded from traditional systems to the latest biometric technology. This technology involves biometric access control systems, biometric scanner and various other devices for providing ultimate security. Biometric access control is used in large as well as small organizations such as banks, airports, public and private companies. Small devices including biometric scanner are commonly used even in homes.

Fingerprint identification system and fingerprint biometric scanner is the most common and least expensive to implement into any organization. These are small devices that can be installed easily at any place. Other types of biometric systems are hand recognition, iris recognition, face recognition etc.

Hand recognition readers are bulky readers that captures a three dimensional image of the hand. The hand’s size and the shape are used to verify their identity. Face recognition is a growing technology that requires powerful computer processing. With the improvement in biometric technology, new systems are introducing with more effective features. Iris recognition biometric technology is also used in many places. It is also gaining recognition and it is a secure system that requires powerful processing.

All of these biometric technologies are playing a great role in today’s security for businesses as well as homes. Time and attendance fingerprint scanner are commonly used in offices all over the world for accurately record employees time.

Biometrics technology is reliable and available in the form of biometric access control systems and various other devices. There are many companies that offer biometric devices including access control systems, biometric fingerprint identification system and more. All the companies are not reputable and their products are not reliable. Therefore, find a company that is providing reliable biometric devices for years with a reputation of their products durability and quality.

Yasmin Teknologi offers reliable and outstanding biometric access control systems and scanners that use human unique features for their identification. In order to get reliable products, contact this company today.

How Biometric Products Can Protect Your Premises?


The business world is buying different biometric products and are installing at different entry and exit points in their establishments to protect their premises. Biometrics industry is growing fast as there is high demand of biometrics all over the world to protect themselves and their employees.

Biometric Morpho products have the capability to scan and measure a specific human part that is unique for every individual such as iris, palm, face, etc. Whenever a registered person needs to be identified, he/she needs to get scan the required unique feature for matching it with the existing records. If the record matches, then the specific person will get access.

There are some unique features of human body that never changes with age and are unique for each individual. Companies that develop biometric products use these unique human features.  These unique features provide accurate results in identifying an individual person.

Biometric technology is used for the purposes of identification and authentication. Some banks in foreign countries use this system in ATM machines to prevent the parties that are not related to particular premises.

There are plenty of systems that are based on unique characteristics. Biometrics is based on recognizing the biometric features of the individuals. It offers the security by recognizing fingerprints, voice, retina, or face of the individuals. Many systems are available that use biometric features. Different security solution possesses different identification methods for offering security at various places.

It is necessary to know about all the Morpho biometric security systems in detail before choosing a Morpho biometric security system. It will help you to decide and purchase the right system. There are various Morpho biometric systems that include biometric fingerprint system, retina scan system, face recognition system, and more.

Biometric devices offer security by recognizing the unique features of individuals. These devices are compact and can easily use anywhere. When a person enrolls first time, the Morpho devices capture unique features of the individuals and store in the database. When a person revisits, these devices verify them by matching their unique feature with the data stored in the database. When it finds the match, it grants the authentication else it denies. Choose a reputable company that offers Morpho biometric products. “Yasmin Teknologi” provides Morpho biometric products that are durable and reliable. You can get quality products from this company.


Why Small And Large Companies Use Biometric Scanner?

Biometric scannerBiometric scanner can identify people with just a press of a finger unto a device. This is fast, effective and compact technology. Use of biometric scanner has become much trendier that even kids can use them at the doors of their room to prevent unwanted people to enter into their room. In many countries, kids are taught about safety, privacy and security.

Biometric scanner is commonly used by people in their homes as well as in offices. These gadgets are used for timekeeping, identification and security. It acts as a key to gain entry in an office. New and better biometric scanners are introduced in the market.

Biometric scanners are used to restrict and allow employee access to certain areas in an office. Biometric time and attendance system also allow supervisors to change employee door access to various locations depending on employee’s duties that change day to day.

Iris scanner is one of the most popular biometric scanners. It recognizes the identity of a person via the iris. There are an increasing number of companies that have realized the advantages of its use.

In large and small companies, tracking employee time, attendance and location is a challenge. Biometric scanners keep accurate records of employee. Biometric time and attendance keeping system uses fingerprint or hand biometric scanner to verify employee identity and eliminate inaccuracies as well as falsified information. Biometric scanners are used as door entry systems. It provides enhanced time and attendance security.

Fingerprint scanners and hand scanners are commonly used in small and large companies today. Both provide accurate employee identification. Fingerprint scanners are smaller than hand scanners and more commonly used in many locations. Biometric time and attendance devices eliminate fraud and possibility of buddy punching and other types of employee time theft. These devices help in getting accurate employee time and attendance data, making production more efficient.

A lot of companies are providing biometric devices all over the world. Purchase products from a well recognized company to get durable and quality products. “Yasmin Teknologi” is a biometric products provider in Malaysia. You can get quality biometric products from them.