Category Archives: injection

Why Chin Fillers are becoming more popular among celebrities?

If you are considering to accentuate your facial beauty and considering options, one thing that you should consider in your facial enhancement plan is the aesthetic treatment for your chin. While your eyes nose and lips are the facial features that normally are the centre of attention, the shape of your chin plays a major role in overall enhancing your look. Even the slightest change in the shape of your chin can make a huge difference in overall look. It can help your face look slimmer, more chiselled and attractive. The v-shape chin is considered super desirable these days and it helps define your face and gives a more pronounced jawline effect. Often people with wider, rounder or flat chin wish to alter the shape of their chin for aesthetic purposes while some people are born with the muscular deformity which causes a dimple in the chin or asymmetrical shape of the chin.

A few years ago surgery was the only option available for cosmetical augmentation and correction of the chin. However, in recent years dermal fillers for chin has provided a very safe and affordable option for correcting natural flaws in your chin.

The relative ease and ubiquity of injectables — especially compared to surgery — means “having work done” no longer carries the stigma it used to.

The relative ease of injectables — especially compared to surgery — is likely part of why “having work done” is now treated by many as a piece of lifestyle content, as shareable as a shopping trip or session in a makeup artist’s chair, and no longer as a source of shame. Celebrities who were once hell-bent on convincing us that their beauty routines were no more complicated than drinking a lot of water and getting enough sleep have become eager to shower praise on their favourite practitioners: 

Chin fillers use Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a substance that is naturally present in our body and helps in the retention of water in the skin. This substance is biodegradable therefore it offers more control and causes fewer complications. It is also helpful in skin rejuvenation, therefore chin fillers can help remove fine lines.  Chin fillers can be injected to uplift the skin that is causing a dimple in chin therefore decreasing or removing the dimple effectively depending upon the desire of the client.

Dermal fillers used for chin are thicker than dermal fillers used anywhere else in the face. The higher consistency allows a stronger uplift and makes skin firmer. 

Injectables aren’t just changing our faces, creating a planet of girls with the same social media–approved full lips and sharp jaws. Their accessibility, shorter recovery time, and near-instantaneous results have encouraged people who wouldn’t normally consider having surgery to contemplate heading to doctors’ offices in their quest for a more perfect face. Add patients’ increasing willingness to disclose their procedures, and we’re rapidly heading into a world where fillers and Botox are considered in the same category as daubing on a little lipstick: Why wouldn’t you, if it makes you feel the way you want to feel, and look the way you want to look?

O-Shots is finally breaking the silence around the female orgasm

Sex is a basic human drive just like food and sleep. Sexual gratification is equally important for both men and women. As due to monthly hormonal cycle female reproductive is more complicated than the male reproductive system, there as possibly more things that can get in way of experiencing an orgasm for women than man. Unfortunately, medical science did not pay attention to the sexual dissatisfaction of women for a very long time as there was no market for such procedures due to stigma around female sexuality. 

Truth is, research goes where the money is, men had long been spending millions of dollars on better sexual experiences, but now women are more financially independent and willing to spend on their own pleasures. This created a market for procedures to improve sexual experiences. 

The research revealed that patriarchial societies of the past were so indifferent towards sexual gratification of women that many women did not experience an orgasm in the lifetime. This led many doctors to believe that orgasm is something only men can experience. Even when female orgasm became a known subject, women have long been faking orgasms because it is frustrating to keep on trying to have an orgasm when nothing seems to be working. 

Not being able to reach orgasm is a distressing and frustrating experience. It can make sex unrewarding chore that women lose interest in and if it is accompanied by the pain they may start to avoid it actively. A study on Malaysian women indicated a correlation was seen in female sexual disorders, in low sexual orgasms and less sexual activity. This could seriously impact an otherwise full of love marriage.  It could be due to lack of sex-ed, psychological reasons or physiological reasons.

 Many women do not even bring it up when seeing a doctor and even those who do are not given many options. It is frustrating to know that men have so many medical options from viagra, Cialis, and penis implants women are only left with options like lubricants, psychopharmacology and psychotherapy which may or may not help at all. Women are offered no direct solution to their problem and are dismissed with an attitude that they need to learn to handle their problems on their own. This is especially alarming when statistics indicate that around 30 to 50 % of women experience sexual problems and sexual disorders in their lifetime.

O shot technology

New revolutionary technology uses growth factors extracted from a woman’s own blood, injected into her vagina to help her achieve more and better orgasms. This groundbreaking invention has given successful clinical trials and women have reported having better and more pleasurable sex. It improves lubrication, reduces pain, enhances sexual sensation leading to better orgasms. As a bonus, the growth factors also help to strengthen the bladder muscles and therefore reducing the incidents of urinary incontinence accidents.

How O-shots work?

This treatment is based on PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) Therapy which has been used for years for facial rejuvenation and is loosely referred to as vampire facials. Platelets are blood cells that reach the site of injury and promote natural healing through triggering stem cells to form new and younger tissues. The same process is used in which blood is withdrawn from the patient’s arm and in a machine the plasma is separated from the rest of the blood with a higher concentration of Platelets. Our cells have calcium chloride which is released when an injury is caused and this calcium chloride activates platelets to do their job. This platelet-rich plasma is activated with the help of calcium chloride and is injected in very specific spots of the vagina to help with the rejuvenation of vaginal tissues, for improved lubrication and enhanced sensitivity to stimulation. 

Since this procedure is very specific, it needs to be administered by a trained and certified doctor or nurse. Dr Terence is one of the few certified and registered practitioners who can legally practice o-Shot Therapy. List of Certified doctors is present at the official website for O-shots procedure.

P-Shots, Are they worth a shot? What science says

If you’re unhappy with what you’ve got down below, you’re not alone – a lot of guys want to trump nature and increase the size of their penis. They’re constantly on the lookout for a new product or treatment that will give them a bigger package. Men around the world spend billions of dollars each year on erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, but the medications aren’t perfect. They fail in an estimated 30%-40% of guys, and the side effects and high cost can be turn-offs too.


Fortunately, there are alternatives.


A new one on the market injects platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into your penis to make it bigger. For a lot of men who have been searching for a way to increase their size, this treatment may sound like the Holy Grail. Widely marketed as The Priapus Shot™, invented by Dr Charles Runels, the hype about the treatment is growing. But is there proof that this new treatment will really it bigger? Will this really strengthen the penis or increase stamina, sensation and pleasure? And what are the risks of trying it (as there are always risks)?


Let’s talk about what the injection is, exactly. First, your own blood is drawn, then the platelets are concentrated. This platelet-rich plasma is then re-injected into your penis. The treatment is supposed to stimulate regrowth of new tissues and after one or more injections, lead to a bigger penis. Some marketers claim that the injection will increase penis size as much as 10 to 20% in length and girth.


In theory, the idea makes sense: use the body’s own healing mechanisms, goosed to new levels, to rejuvenate your penis to be bigger and work better.

The P-Shot is based on PRP therapy used in recovery from muscle and joint injuries and explored for treating chronic health conditions. PRP therapy involves injecting a concentration of platelets from your own blood into your body. Platelets are involved in normal wound healing and mechanisms like blood clotting. The P-Shot involves taking platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood and injecting it into your penis. This means your doctor takes your own cells and tissues and injects them into your penile tissues to promote tissue growth and purportedly give you better erections.

Female Orgasms and O-Shots – Everything You Need to know

Medical professionals and mental health experts define orgasms differently. Medical professionals regard orgasms as physiological changes that result in the release of hormones and neurotransmitters. However, psychologists and mental health professionals define orgasm as a set of emotional and cognitive changes experienced.

Unfortunately, orgasm is a human experience that has not been extensively studied. There is a modest number of studies conducted with sufficient sample size, and therefore limited factual information is available on the topic. The theories formulated about orgasms have also greatly shifted over the past century.

Female Orgasms

For centuries, due to long-held taboo about discussing sex-related information, and little scientific research in the area there are a lot of misconceptions about female orgasms. In fact, only a few decades ago it was believed that it was normal for women to not experience orgasms in a lifetime. This could not be further from the truth, in fact, women are capable of experiencing more orgasms in a short time span (also called multiple orgasms), in contrast to men, who can only experience one orgasm followed by a refractory period during which they can orgasm despite continues stimulation.

Orgasms and Neurology

Orgasms are not just great to the experience they also have several potential health benefits. Our body releases pleasure hormones, like oxytocin, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine which helps us make feel good and help us to bond with our partner on an emotional level. These hormones also help us feel more relaxed and relieve pain. These hormones also decrease the chances 

Same pleasure pathways in the brain are activated during the orgasm that is activated by taking drugs or winning a lotto. Interestingly the brain has a pain and pleasure centre, which means some parts of the brain are involved in processing both and pleasure. This is the reason you can not fully experience pleasure when in pain and women who have pain during intercourse can not enjoy sex or reach orgasm.

Not all sexual activity leads to orgasms and not all orgasms are caused by sexual activity. 

Not being able to reach orgasm is a distressing and frustrating experience. It can make sex unrewarding chore that women lose interest in and if it is accompanied by the pain they may start to avoid it actively. A study on Malaysian women indicated a correlation was seen in female sexual disorders, in low sexual orgasms and less sexual activity. This could seriously impact an otherwise full of love marriage.  It could be due to lack of sex-ed, psychological reasons or physiological reasons. Many women do not even bring it up when seeing a doctor and even those who do are not given many options. It is frustrating to know that men have so many medical options from viagra, Cialis, and penis implants women are only left with options like lubricants, psychopharmacology and psychotherapy which may or may not help at all. Women are offered no direct solution to their problem and are dismissed with an attitude that they need to learn to handle their problems on their own. This is especially alarming when statistics indicate that around 30 to 50 % of women experience sexual problems and sexual disorders in their lifetime.

O shot technology

New revolutionary technology uses growth factors extracted from a woman’s own blood, injected into her vagina to help her achieve more and better orgasms. This groundbreaking invention has given successful clinical trials and women have reported having better and more pleasurable sex. It improves lubrication, reduces pain, enhances sexual sensation leading to better orgasms. As a bonus, the growth factors also help to strengthen the bladder muscles and therefore reducing the incidents of urinary incontinence accidents.

How O-shots work?

This treatment is based on PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) Therapy which has been used for years for facial rejuvenation and is loosely referred to as vampire facials. Platelets are blood cells that reach the site of injury and promote natural healing through triggering stem cells to form new and younger tissues. The same process is used in which blood is withdrawn from the patient’s arm and in a machine the plasma is separated from the rest of the blood with a higher concentration of Platelets. Our cells have calcium chloride which is released when an injury is caused and this calcium chloride activates platelets to do their job. This platelet-rich plasma is activated with the help of calcium chloride and is injected in very specific spots of the vagina to help with the rejuvenation of vaginal tissues, for improved lubrication and enhanced sensitivity to stimulation. 
Since this procedure is very specific, it needs to be administered by a trained and certified doctor or nurse. Dr Terence is one of the few certified and registered practitioners who can legally practice o-Shot Therapy. List of Certified doctors is present at the official website for O-shots procedure.

Your concern about #whitening #drips and what #doctors say?

Your concern about whitening drips and what doctors say?

Before you sign up for any aesthetic treatment or any procedure it is advisable that you discuss all your concerns with your doctor or a medical specialist who is supervising the treatment. Understanding what the whitening drip contains, what is its mode of action and what side effects you can expect fro it can help your anxiety before the treatment. Here are some frequently asked questions that people ask to express their concerns regarding whitening drips and their answers by doctors.


Q1) Are whitening drips an attempt to whitewash the world?

It’s understandable that some might take offend from any sort of whitening treatment, after all, we should be comfortable in our skin. However, on this day, opinions about such sensitive topics are more fluid and it is encouraged that skin lightening treatments should be seen as a personal choice and no differently from skin tanning. Its human nature to want what they do not have, white people suntan, spray or take several other treatments to have skin tone similar to Asians, while in most Asian cultures lighter skin tone is more desirable. The only thing we should be concerned about is the intensity of possible side effects or medical complications. 

Q2) How safe are these drips?

The answer to this question greatly depends upon where you are getting the drip. A certified doctor will use drips from the only authentic brand and administer them after ensuring that you are not intolerant to any of the ingredients. A doctor will rule out certain medical conditions and drugs that can interact with the components of the drip before approving the whitening drip for you. The safety of these drips has not to be established for pregnant women, therefore a doctor will never administer this drip if you are or could be pregnant.

Q3) What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

Depending upon the type of drip, you may experience different kinds of side effects but all of those should subside in a day or two. Like most drips, you should expect some mild at the spot of needle insertion and more frequent bowel movements. You must keep in mind that there is no one formula for these whitening drips, some clinic offers a mix of vitamin-rich drips, some drips are predominantly vitamin C and others may have glutathione. The dosage of vitamins and antioxidants may vary across the drips. Since taking vitamins that your body is not deficient on, or vitamins in a higher dosage than recommended can actually harm your body.

Q4) How soon after the drip I will see a difference in my skin tone?

Your body will feel better hydrated to some degree, immediately after the drip and due to vitamins, you will feel more energetic. However, a significant difference in skin tone will come gradually. You should have realistic expectations, it’s not a magic pill that you pop and you are snow white. You might have to take 3 to 12 drip sessions, and wait for around four to six months before you can see a noticeable change in your skin tone. This greatly depends upon your skin tone, physical health and the components of drip, therefore it is recommended you should discuss this beforehand with your doctor to avoid any disappointments.

If you have any further queries book your consultation appointment with Dr. Terence at Pinnacle Figure aesthetic clinic. He does not push you to get treatments that you do not need and make recommendations based upon their professional qualifications and years of experience. Services offered at the clinic are of international standards and the usual charge half the market price. The ethical practices and friendly staff is the reason the brand has grown so quickly in popularity.

#Mesotherapy #Injections, the #pain and the #gain

Mesotherapy Injections, the pain, and the gain

Mesotherapy is quickly growing popular treatment for skin rejuvenation and other benefits. Some local spas and salons are also offering this therapy and marketing it as vampire facial. Despite the popularity of the treatment, there is still a great mystery around the topic. Here are some relevant question answered for your better understanding of the topic.

What are the benefits of mesotherapy injections?

Since mesotherapy is able to deliver nutrients, minerals, multivitamins, antioxidants directly under the skin layer where they are very easily absorbed, it has several benefits. There is no FDA approved formula for mesotherapy so your doctor can customise a mix of FDA approved components according to your problem and goals.  In terms of precision and targeted treatment, it is next to laser therapy and fillers. The nutrients can be selectively injected directly under the problematic area. It can help your skin through nourishment, hydration, improvement of the blood circulation and stimulating collagen production. The main goal is facial skin rejuvenation and it helps by reducing wrinkles, fading away marks, spots and scars. It is sometimes paired with PRP, which is platelet-rich plasma therapy. In PRP, platelets are extracted from your own blood and are injected under your facial skin through micro-needling in higher concertation.

How much the injections hurt?

 Mesotherapy Injections is a mildly invasive non-surgical aesthetic procedure that can be done in clinical settings. Since nutrients will be delivered underneath your skin layer by puncturing tiny holes in your skin with the help of very fine needles, you should be mentally prepared for slight pain, bleeding and inflammation. It is done after applying a numbing creme or local anaesthesia, however, it is not completely painless. The intensity of reported pain experienced varies from patient to patient depending upon their pain tolerance, however, if administered correctly by a qualified and experienced doctor you should not experience a pain that is unmanageable or intolerable. You should also expect to feel a little soreness or discomfort, redness and inflammation for a short while after the treatment is administered but these are usual side-effects and will subside after a while. Your skin should return to normal in a day or two if any bruise or inflammation persists afterwards consult your doctor.

How soon the results will be visible?

As nutrients are being injected under your skin where they are readily absorbed by your skin layers, you will be able to see an immediate difference. As the inflammation subsides, results will become more visible. You will be able to see the full impact of injections within two to three weeks as this is the time nutrients need to help nourish and heal your skin.

How much it will cost?

That greatly depends upon where you chose to get it from. Some local spas are offering this treatment at a much cheaper rate but it’s a great health hazard because they do not have qualified doctors at their pannel who can give consultancy for these medical procedures. Any accidental mistake or carelessness or lack of knowledge can have serious health consequences. It is better to pay more to a qualified doctor or aesthetician who has the right set of training and skills to safely administer the treatment. You can ask around for most pocket-friendly doctors and clinic or receive a quote from Pinnacle Figure aesthetic centre as they are known for providing international standard services at half the price.