Category Archives: skin_care

What is in the Whitening Drips For The Fair Brides?

Getting married is one important event of life and every girl wants to look her best on a very important day. It is very normal for young girls to obsess over their wedding dress and start taking better care of their beauty once the date of the wedding has been decided. Every girl wished to look drop-dead gorgeous on her wedding day and look perfect and flawless. Just makeup can not cover up everything and if you do not have great skin even the makeup products will not sit well on the face. All around the world girls switch to a diet that will help them reduce weight and book appointments at salons to get different kinds of facials.

Glutathione drips now popularly referred to as Whitening drips are all the hype these days. A lot of social media celebrities sever by them and are often seen promoting them. The influencer claim that whitening drip has not only lightened their skin tone but has also helped fade away the dark spots, marks, and scars, and overall given them more glowing and healthier skin. Some even say that the glutathione drip has helped reduce their dark circles and acne. This is gaining a special hype as a pre-wedding skin lightening treatment for brides and they are getting sessions of whitening drips along with other special treatments like facials, and non-surgical aesthetic procedures before their weddings. Young people are following the trend and unfortunately many are receiving this treatment without doing proper research.

Skin whitening drips are loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamins E, antioxidants and many other nutrients that help clear up your skin, stimulate the production of collagen and help repair the damaged skin from the inside. The real benefit of whitening drip is that it not only lightens the skin colour but it also diminishes the scars and blemish. Since it helps in the production of collagen, it reduces the appearance of fine lines and dark circles. The cocktail of nutrients in the whitening drip truly enhances your overall beauty and gives you glow that a bride dreams to have on her wedding day.

Glutathione is an anti-oxidant that our body naturally produces and helps in keeping the body healthy. It is important to note that glutathione drips were initially administered to cancer patients to help them fight cancer and the lightening of skin tone was observed as a side effect. Imagine if glutathione is strong enough to help in preventing the growth of cancer cells and killing cancer, what else it could do in your body. Later doctors experimented with different doses of glutathione that are safe for healthy individuals to receive aesthetic benefits. A safe and suitable dose of glutathione combined with other nutrients and antioxidants is administered in clinics by aestheticians and specialist doctors after making sure you are not intolerant to any of the ingredients and its safe for you to have a drip. You must understand that the contents of the drip are chemicals that are directly poured into your bloodstream. They are minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and some other nutrients to nourish your body from inside to help it heal itself. Any intolerances, allergies, drug interactions or other medical complications can have serious consequences.

This is a safe, painless and non-invasive procedure with promising. It is a quick fix which does not fade over time but results actually get more pronounced after two weeks. Since this treatment is skin deep the results are not superficial, changes happen gradually so no one will even guess you have received treatment. There is no downtime or aftercare and you can go back to your normal life immediately after getting the drip. Many women have reported that skin whitening drip has toned down their acne. Most people who have received the skin whitening drip agree that they found the results impressive, they will recommend the treatment to others and will also get it again for themselves.

Unfortunately, some greedy businesses have started selling a DIY whitening drip kit that lets people self-administer the procedure. Although its a cheaper and quicker option, this is a great danger to health. Inserting a needle in your vein and securing it in the place is not as simple as it looks, and if done incorrectly it could leave an ugly bruise. At clinics ad hospitals people get intravenous drips administered by well-practised hands of qualified nurses.  It is important that you understand what you are adding directly into your bloodstream and ensure that a qualified doctor is supervising the treatment. Here is some more detailed information about whitening drips that you should read and chose the right method to receive the correct treatment in a safe way.

Read This Before Getting Mesotherapy Injections

Mesotherapy is quickly growing popular treatment for skin rejuvenation and other benefits. Some local spas and salons are also offering this therapy and marketing it as vampire facial. Despite the popularity of the treatment, there is still a great mystery around the topic. Here are some relevant question answered for your better understanding of the topic.

What are the benefits of mesotherapy injections?

Since mesotherapy is able to deliver nutrients, minerals, multivitamins, antioxidants directly under the skin layer where they are very easily absorbed, it has several benefits. There is no FDA approved formula for mesotherapy so your doctor can customise a mix of FDA approved components according to your problem and goals.  In terms of precision and targeted treatment, it is next to laser therapy and fillers. The nutrients can be selectively injected directly under the problematic area. It can help your skin through nourishment, hydration, improvement of the blood circulation and stimulating collagen production. The main goal is facial skin rejuvenation and it helps by reducing wrinkles, fading away marks, spots and scars. It is sometimes paired with PRP, which is platelet-rich plasma therapy. In PRP, platelets are extracted from your own blood and are injected under your facial skin through micro-needling in higher concertation.

How much the injections hurt?

 Mesotherapy Injections is a mildly invasive non-surgical aesthetic procedure that can be done in clinical settings. Since nutrients will be delivered underneath your skin layer by puncturing tiny holes in your skin with the help of very fine needles, you should be mentally prepared for slight pain, bleeding and inflammation. It is done after applying a numbing creme or local anaesthesia, however, it is not completely painless. The intensity of reported pain experienced varies from patient to patient depending upon their pain tolerance, however, if administered correctly by a qualified and experienced doctor you should not experience a pain that is unmanageable or intolerable. You should also expect to feel a little soreness or discomfort, redness and inflammation for a short while after the treatment is administered but these are usual side-effects and will subside after a while. Your skin should return to normal in a day or two if any bruise or inflammation persists afterwards consult your doctor.

How soon the results will be visible?

As nutrients are being injected under your skin where they are readily absorbed by your skin layers, you will be able to see an immediate difference. As the inflammation subsides, results will become more visible. You will be able to see the full impact of injections within two to three weeks as this is the time nutrients need to help nourish and heal your skin.

How much it will cost?

That greatly depends upon where you chose to get it from. Some local spas are offering this treatment at a much cheaper rate but it’s a great health hazard because they do not have qualified doctors at their pannel who can give consultancy for these medical procedures. Any accidental mistake or carelessness or lack of knowledge can have serious health consequences. It is better to pay more to a qualified doctor or aesthetician who has the right set of training and skills to safely administer the treatment. You can ask around for most pocket-friendly doctors and clinic or receive a quote from Pinnacle Figure aesthetic centre as they are known for providing international standard services at half the price.


Laser Treatment for Face Pigmentation

Fillers OR HIFU Facelift? Which one is best?

Loss of firmness and wrinkles are something that we all have to deal with as we age. A facelift can help improve the appearance of these issues but not everyone is ready for a surgical procedure because it is expensive and it carries risks with it as well as the concern that it doesn’t look natural. Fillers and HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) facelift are two treatment options that improve the appearance of signs of ageing without the need for surgery. The two procedures use different methods and technologies to improve their appearance. Generally, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon can help you determine which is right for you.


Fillers are a wide range of treatments that are injected into the outer layers of the skin to help plump and smooth the complexion. One of the most common types of fillers uses hyaluronic acid, a substance made naturally by the body that attracts and binds moisture to the skin, but there are others as well that are longer-term or even permanent. The long-term or permanent fillers have risks that can be a challenge, but many cosmetic surgeons choose to use them.

If your main concern is fine lines and wrinkles, especially deep expression lines, fillers are one of the most effective treatment options. They are especially effective for smoothing the appearance of lines on the forehead, furrows between the brows, laugh lines around the mouth and crow’s feet around the eyes. Fillers require no topical anaesthesia or downtime so they are perfect for anyone who does not have time to recover from a cosmetic procedure.

The results of fillers can be seen immediately after the treatment. Skin will appear plumper and smoother with less noticeable fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on which type of filler is performed, the results can last between six months and two years. To maintain the results of fillers, you will only have to come in for treatments once or twice a year.

HIFU Facelift

If you are looking for a completely non-invasive procedure, HIFU may be the best option for you. Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to improve signs of ageing. The device delivers ultrasound waves that heat collagen within the skin and break it down. This encourages the body’s natural response to stimulate the production of new collagen. The result is firmer and tighter skin that looks more youthful.

HIFU is a good treatment option if your main concern is the loss of firmness and loose, lax skin. This can often be seen as drooping in the cheeks and jawline as well as folds around the nose and mouth. HIFU helps tighten loose skin by stimulating collagen below the surface of the complexion to restore youthful skin from the inside out.

HIFU treatments are often longer than filler treatments as the actual procedure takes between 60 and 90 minutes depending on which areas are being treated versus minutes for a filler procedure. There is no downtime following the treatment and while there may be some slight discomfort during the procedure or bruising, this is temporary and does not last long. The results are seen gradually over the course of three to six months following the treatment and patients generally require two to three treatments to see the full results. The results of Ultherapy last longer than fillers and patients only need to come in for treatments every 9 to 12 months.

Because HIFU facelift does not add volume to the skin, it is not as successful on its own. Unlike fillers which add volume to the skin, sagging will only be mildly improved with HIFU. Many times, professionals suggest a combination of treatments including HIFU, fillers and BOTOX to see the best results.

Beauty is Now Accessible to All at Aesthetic Clinics

Beauty does not lie in the eyes of the beholder. The famous quote of  Margaret Wolfe Hungerford is not factual because beauty is not always subjective. In fact, beauty is objective as somethings are universally beautiful. If beauty wasn’t objective there wouldn’t be any beauty pageants where several people were rated depending upon their physical beauty. For centuries men and women have tried different ways to achieve desirable physical attributes and remove imperfections.

A person with a dark circle around his eyes will always appear tired or even sick. A smooth, clear, even-toned skin that glows is universally considered desirable as it makes you look healthy and fresh while dull skin with dark spots and marks make you look unhealthy and unattractive.

You might rebel against societal standards of beauty and reject them but the reality remains the same, first impressions are created by your appearance and people are more often than not judged upon their looks. Of course, there are set standards for desirable physical attributes for which the beauty pageant contestants are evaluated and given ratings. Similarly, your looks can influence your chances of succeeding in a job interview, making new friends or even getting a traffic ticket.

 Also believing that beauty is subjective gives every other person the power to evaluate you as per their standards of beauty and you just can’t be liked by everyone! There has to be a set standard that you are striving to achieve so you can have a sense of control over things that matter most to you, which is your appearance.  Luckily now you can achieve this goal without going to drastic measures like surgery. Aesthetic clinics now offer non-surgical treatments which can give you promising results like lighter and even skin tone, fuller lips, and more defined facial features. 

Accessible and Affordable Beauty

Gone are the days when only the celebrities and rich people could afford the luxury of the aesthetic procedure to achieve divine beauty. Now you can be the best version of yourself without undergoing painful surgery. The results are very natural looking and subtle so you can build upon them over time and undergo gradual transition instead of a drastic change which could be difficult to digest.

This marvel of medical technology is not only impressive but is now accessible to the public. Pinnacle Figure is an aesthetic clinic in Johar Bahru, Malaysia which is offering a variety of aesthetic procedures up to international standards at half the market price. Now the working men and women who feel that minor imperfections are having a major impact on their appearances can boost their confidence and feel beautiful. The best part is that doctors and staff are very friendly and you are not pushed to sign up for any unnecessary procedures that you really need. All procedures are either performed or supervised by Singapore qualified Dr Terence who has high professional skill and strict ethical standards.

Several Options to Pick from

They are offering different procedures for the same problem so you have options to chose from. For example, you can get a Korean thread lift, Silhouette thread lift or HIFU facelift for a more defined face and tight skin. You can simply discuss your concerns and desired goals with your doctor and opt for a procedure which is suitable for your specific case. The popular red carpet treatments like botox injections, derma fillers and micro-needling and PRP therapy are also offered at Pinnacle figure all at affordable price. Visit their website to see all the treatments and procedures they have to offer.

Your concern about #whitening #drips and what #doctors say?

Your concern about whitening drips and what doctors say?

Before you sign up for any aesthetic treatment or any procedure it is advisable that you discuss all your concerns with your doctor or a medical specialist who is supervising the treatment. Understanding what the whitening drip contains, what is its mode of action and what side effects you can expect fro it can help your anxiety before the treatment. Here are some frequently asked questions that people ask to express their concerns regarding whitening drips and their answers by doctors.


Q1) Are whitening drips an attempt to whitewash the world?

It’s understandable that some might take offend from any sort of whitening treatment, after all, we should be comfortable in our skin. However, on this day, opinions about such sensitive topics are more fluid and it is encouraged that skin lightening treatments should be seen as a personal choice and no differently from skin tanning. Its human nature to want what they do not have, white people suntan, spray or take several other treatments to have skin tone similar to Asians, while in most Asian cultures lighter skin tone is more desirable. The only thing we should be concerned about is the intensity of possible side effects or medical complications. 

Q2) How safe are these drips?

The answer to this question greatly depends upon where you are getting the drip. A certified doctor will use drips from the only authentic brand and administer them after ensuring that you are not intolerant to any of the ingredients. A doctor will rule out certain medical conditions and drugs that can interact with the components of the drip before approving the whitening drip for you. The safety of these drips has not to be established for pregnant women, therefore a doctor will never administer this drip if you are or could be pregnant.

Q3) What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

Depending upon the type of drip, you may experience different kinds of side effects but all of those should subside in a day or two. Like most drips, you should expect some mild at the spot of needle insertion and more frequent bowel movements. You must keep in mind that there is no one formula for these whitening drips, some clinic offers a mix of vitamin-rich drips, some drips are predominantly vitamin C and others may have glutathione. The dosage of vitamins and antioxidants may vary across the drips. Since taking vitamins that your body is not deficient on, or vitamins in a higher dosage than recommended can actually harm your body.

Q4) How soon after the drip I will see a difference in my skin tone?

Your body will feel better hydrated to some degree, immediately after the drip and due to vitamins, you will feel more energetic. However, a significant difference in skin tone will come gradually. You should have realistic expectations, it’s not a magic pill that you pop and you are snow white. You might have to take 3 to 12 drip sessions, and wait for around four to six months before you can see a noticeable change in your skin tone. This greatly depends upon your skin tone, physical health and the components of drip, therefore it is recommended you should discuss this beforehand with your doctor to avoid any disappointments.

If you have any further queries book your consultation appointment with Dr. Terence at Pinnacle Figure aesthetic clinic. He does not push you to get treatments that you do not need and make recommendations based upon their professional qualifications and years of experience. Services offered at the clinic are of international standards and the usual charge half the market price. The ethical practices and friendly staff is the reason the brand has grown so quickly in popularity.

#Mesotherapy #Injections, the #pain and the #gain

Mesotherapy Injections, the pain, and the gain

Mesotherapy is quickly growing popular treatment for skin rejuvenation and other benefits. Some local spas and salons are also offering this therapy and marketing it as vampire facial. Despite the popularity of the treatment, there is still a great mystery around the topic. Here are some relevant question answered for your better understanding of the topic.

What are the benefits of mesotherapy injections?

Since mesotherapy is able to deliver nutrients, minerals, multivitamins, antioxidants directly under the skin layer where they are very easily absorbed, it has several benefits. There is no FDA approved formula for mesotherapy so your doctor can customise a mix of FDA approved components according to your problem and goals.  In terms of precision and targeted treatment, it is next to laser therapy and fillers. The nutrients can be selectively injected directly under the problematic area. It can help your skin through nourishment, hydration, improvement of the blood circulation and stimulating collagen production. The main goal is facial skin rejuvenation and it helps by reducing wrinkles, fading away marks, spots and scars. It is sometimes paired with PRP, which is platelet-rich plasma therapy. In PRP, platelets are extracted from your own blood and are injected under your facial skin through micro-needling in higher concertation.

How much the injections hurt?

 Mesotherapy Injections is a mildly invasive non-surgical aesthetic procedure that can be done in clinical settings. Since nutrients will be delivered underneath your skin layer by puncturing tiny holes in your skin with the help of very fine needles, you should be mentally prepared for slight pain, bleeding and inflammation. It is done after applying a numbing creme or local anaesthesia, however, it is not completely painless. The intensity of reported pain experienced varies from patient to patient depending upon their pain tolerance, however, if administered correctly by a qualified and experienced doctor you should not experience a pain that is unmanageable or intolerable. You should also expect to feel a little soreness or discomfort, redness and inflammation for a short while after the treatment is administered but these are usual side-effects and will subside after a while. Your skin should return to normal in a day or two if any bruise or inflammation persists afterwards consult your doctor.

How soon the results will be visible?

As nutrients are being injected under your skin where they are readily absorbed by your skin layers, you will be able to see an immediate difference. As the inflammation subsides, results will become more visible. You will be able to see the full impact of injections within two to three weeks as this is the time nutrients need to help nourish and heal your skin.

How much it will cost?

That greatly depends upon where you chose to get it from. Some local spas are offering this treatment at a much cheaper rate but it’s a great health hazard because they do not have qualified doctors at their pannel who can give consultancy for these medical procedures. Any accidental mistake or carelessness or lack of knowledge can have serious health consequences. It is better to pay more to a qualified doctor or aesthetician who has the right set of training and skills to safely administer the treatment. You can ask around for most pocket-friendly doctors and clinic or receive a quote from Pinnacle Figure aesthetic centre as they are known for providing international standard services at half the price.

#Whitening #Drip - #Facts you should know before getting one

Your concern about whitening drips and what doctors say?

Before you sign up for any aesthetic treatment or any procedure it is advisable that you discuss all your concerns with your doctor or a medical specialist who is supervising the treatment. Understanding what the whitening drip contains, what is its mode of action and what side effects you can expect fro it can help your anxiety before the treatment. Here are some frequently asked questions that people ask to express their concerns regarding whitening drips and their answers by doctors.


Q1) Are whitening drips an attempt to whitewash the world?

It’s understandable that some might take offend from any sort of whitening treatment, after all, we should be comfortable in our skin. However, on this day, opinions about such sensitive topics are more fluid and it is encouraged that skin lightening treatments should be seen as a personal choice and no differently from skin tanning. Its human nature to want what they do not have, white people suntan, spray or take several other treatments to have skin tone similar to Asians, while in most Asian cultures lighter skin tone is more desirable. The only thing we should be concerned about is the intensity of possible side effects or medical complications. 

Q2) How safe are these drips?

The answer to this question greatly depends upon where you are getting the drip. A certified doctor will use drips from the only authentic brand and administer them after ensuring that you are not intolerant to any of the ingredients. A doctor will rule out certain medical conditions and drugs that can interact with the components of the drip before approving the whitening drip for you. The safety of these drips has not to be established for pregnant women, therefore a doctor will never administer this drip if you are or could be pregnant.

Q3) What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

Depending upon the type of drip, you may experience different kinds of side effects but all of those should subside in a day or two. Like most drips, you should expect some mild at the spot of needle insertion and more frequent bowel movements. You must keep in mind that there is no one formula for these whitening drips, some clinic offers a mix of vitamin-rich drips, some drips are predominantly vitamin C and others may have glutathione. The dosage of vitamins and antioxidants may vary across the drips. Since taking vitamins that your body is not deficient on, or vitamins in a higher dosage than recommended can actually harm your body.

Q4) How soon after the drip I will see a difference in my skin tone?

Your body will feel better hydrated to some degree, immediately after the drip and due to vitamins, you will feel more energetic. However, a significant difference in skin tone will come gradually. You should have realistic expectations, it’s not a magic pill that you pop and you are snow white. You might have to take 3 to 12 drip sessions, and wait for around four to six months before you can see a noticeable change in your skin tone. This greatly depends upon your skin tone, physical health and the components of drip, therefore it is recommended you should discuss this beforehand with your doctor to avoid any disappointments.

If you have any further queries book your consultation appointment with Dr. Terence at Pinnacle Figure aesthetic clinic. He does not push you to get treatments that you do not need and make recommendations based upon their professional qualifications and years of experience. Services offered at the clinic are of international standards and the usual charge half the market price. The ethical practices and friendly staff is the reason the brand has grown so quickly in popularity.