Tag Archives: scar removal treatment

Causes of Acne, Acne Scars and Their Treatment

Acne typically starts to appear in teenage when the puberty hormones start to kick in. This is the time when most girls and boys start to become conscious about their looks and appearance and its very annoying that this is the time when pimples chose to make their first appearance. Acne can not only be painful but embarrassing and can take a toll on your self-esteem and confidence as a teenager, As you grow you look for treatments or learn to cover it under the makeup. Sometimes makeup causes you to break out even worse. On the other hand, acne seems to get worse just before any significant event. Sometimes eating healthy help, sometimes it just doesn’t. If only you knew what is causing acne you will be able to find a better solution. Today we will explain here what acne actually is, what causes acne and what is the most effective and quickest remedy for acne.

What Causes Acne?

Acne pimples are the basic inflammatory reaction of the body against the dust, dead skin and excess oils trapped in skin pore. Depending upon the nature and intensity of acne, you can get whiteheads, blackheads, cysts or nodules. All of these have different anatomy and must be treated differently. While the role of diet, infections or lifestyle in aggravating acne is not scientifically proven, strong scientific evidence points towards genetics and stress as contributors towards acne. 

What Causes Acne Scars?

When acne lesion or inflammation in the skin layers does not heal normally and instead scar tissues are formed due to lack of collagen, scars are formed. The most common type of acne scars is Atrophic acne scars which are formed due to lack of production of collagen during the healing process. Another problematic scaring after nodular acne is Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) which is basically an accumulation of dark pigmentation on site of the lesion making an appearance of the inflamed dark mark.

How to treat acne and acne scars?

Acne is a long term skin disease and doctors recommend early aggressive treatment to prevent problems like scaring and psychological effects related to acne. Anitinflimatory topical medicines, skincare products with silicic acid, regular exfoliating and hydrations help calm down acne. Oral consumption of Vit C helps regular production collagen and therefore helps in fading scars. You can read more about the safe and effective ways of treating acne scars recommended by Pincale Figures, one of the growingly popular aesthetic centers in Malaysia operating under the supervision of Dr. Terence Teoh. They are offering  Laser Resurfacing, Fillers, Subcision, cross treatment with TCA and PRP micro-needling. A qualified doctor can provide you the best consultation for the type of treatment that will best suit you depending upon the nature and intensity of your problem.

Get Scar Free Appearance from Scar Removal Treatment

scar removal treatment

Skin scarring can occur due to tissue loss and lack of collagen. Everyone who has gone through acne wants to get the best treatment for the best results. Getting treatment from a skin specialist by choosing the best acne scar removal treatment eliminates all imperfections present on the face.

Scars may vary in types, sizes and colors. Atrophic scarring is common among people that leave a hole in the skin. Many people face scar marks on their face, arms and legs. There are a lot of scar removal treatments available to clear your skin from ugly scar marks. Laser scar removal treatment is the best option for treating deep scars. Laser treatments also vary depending on the type of scarring you have.

You can regain your confidence and self-esteem back with  best acne scar removal treatment. Those who have mild scarring can also get scar removal treatment to get completely scar free appearance.

Aestheticians are expert skin professionals that decide the most suitable scar removal treatment after examining the skin deeply. They consider skin types, degree of damage, and condition of acne before providing scar removal treatment. Skillful professionals do not recommend scar removal treatment until acne is under control.

It is important to discuss all your skin problems with aestheticians in detail to get the best treatment and results. Acne scars are not permanent. They can be easily removed with scar removal treatment.

Now, these treatments have become common and affordable. Therefore, a lot of people are getting these treatments for scar free appearance. Some scars are very deep and stay on face forever until you do not get the most suitable treatment. Those scars are treated with laser scar removal treatment.

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are some other methods to get rid of scars. They also make your skin to glow, as a result, your skin look younger and healthier.

There are many clinics that provide aesthetic treatments across the globe. However, getting treatment from a reputable clinic is mandatory for safe and effective results.

Pinnaclefigure offers the best acne scar treatments in Malaysia. Thousands of people are getting treatments from them. If you want to get reliable treatment, contact this clinic today.

Why Scar Removal Treatment Is The Perfect Choice To Get Rid Of Acne Scars?

scar removal treatment

Acne is one of the most common conditions in the world today. Most of the people suffering from severe acne face many difficulties to get rid of them as severe acne leaves behind scarring. There are different types of acne scars and different ways to treat them. The three different levels of acne scars are the ice pick scars, boxcar scars and rolling scars.

Every person experience different level of scarring and scar removal treatment varies from person to person depending on the level of scarring. Aestheticians suggest the best treatment according to the level of scarring.

Dermabrasion is one of the acne scar removal treatments that remove the damaged skin. Scar removal treatment is recommended for those who have fair complexions or dark complexions but not recommended for the people whose complexion falls between these two. Acne scar removal treatment removes the damaged skin with the help of laser. There are many scar removal treatments that give you a beautiful appearance.

Scar removal treatment removes scarring caused from acne. An effective scar removal treatment is laser resurfacing. In this method, layers of skin are burnt with laser, allowing a re-growth of healthier skin. Dermabrasion and chemical peels are also effective in removing the damaged tissues. It is extremely important to choose a reputable clinic to get scar removal treatment from the expert professional.

Laser scar removal treatment allows healing of deep scars. It takes few days to heal the treated area. There are different types of lasers used for scar removal treatment. Aestheticians do not recommend laser scar removal treatment to people with sensitive skin.

There are many scar removal treatment providers in Malaysia. It is important to choose the best clinic to ensure that you get safe and effective treatment.

Pinnaclefigure” is a famous clinic in Malaysia that offers a variety of skin treatments. This clinic is famous in providing all cosmetic treatments successfully. People who have taken treatments from them get positive results. If you are looking for safe and effective cosmetic treatment, choose this clinic today.

Get Smooth Skin with Scar Removal Treatment

Advance acne scar removal treatments have introduced in affordable costs that everyone can afford and improve their facial appearance. A lot of products are available but all of them do not suit to everyone. Moreover, without recommendation of cosmetic surgeon, no such products should be used as they can be harmful without prescription. There are many types of facial problems that require special skin treatment.

Choose a reputable clinic to get scar removal treatment. Cosmetic treatment provider suggests the most suitable treatment. Sometimes, combination of treatments is required to get rid of skin problems.

Scars are formed when the skin produces extra collagen. Some of them disappear in few days or even in months while some scars are permanent and require proper cosmetic treatment.

Visible scars can cause embarrassment and women get scar removal treatment to reduce appearance of scars and to prevent permanent scarring.

Vitamin E Oil is used for reducing scars. Applying this to the skin regularly can reduce permanent scarring. Apply it on clean skin otherwise bacteria and dirt could be trapped in the oil. Aestheticians often recommend this after providing scar removal treatment as skin treatments fade scars and the creams and oil are used to permanently remove scars.

Many scar removal products are used to prevent scars from forming. These products are used to remove keloid scars. Some targets deep scars to stimulate collagen growth that helps in smoothing skin surface.

Chemical peels remove top layer of skin to bring fresh, undamaged skin. These are mild peel acids that work well for acne scars. Many skin lightening products are used to light darker skin to match it with rest of the skin. Many other skin treatments are used to make skin healthier and beautiful.

A lot of people across the world are looking for an effective scar removal treatment to remove scars. Cosmetic surgeons choose the most suitable treatment for their patients. Therefore, it is important to get treatment from expert professional. Experts examine skin deeply and suggest the most suitable treatment for patients.

Pinnaclefigure” is a famous clinic in Malaysia that offer scar removal treatment. If you are looking for a reputable clinic and team of expert cosmetic surgeons to get safe and effective treatment, choose “Pinnaclefigure” today.

Scar Removal Treatment

Acne is the most common skin conditions in the world today and they look very ugly when they leave marks. There are different levels of scars that require particular scar removal treatment. Some types of scarring are ice pick scars, boxcar scars and rolling scars. Doctors examine the scars and then recommend the right treatment that suits you most. Not every scar removal treatment might be suitable for one, so patient must consult an aesthetic clinic to know what method suits them.

Among the many treatments, dermabrasion is an effective scar removal treatment that makes the skin acne free to make it glow. Another scar removal treatment is laser resurfacing that successfully removes acne scars using laser. In laser acne scar removal treatment, damaged skin is removed.

It is necessary to consult a doctor before taking acne scar removal treatment. Some people have minimal scarring that is easy to treat using any among the many treatments. Chemical peel is another method for scar removal treatment in which top layer of skin is removed to reveal the fresh skin. Chemical peels are effective enough to remove acne scars.

Acne is mostly found in the teenagers. In this age, there is a great ability to heal and maintain skin elasticity and suppleness. As soon as you cross your teenage, you can take scar removal treatment.

For scar removal treatment, visit Pinnacle Figure and also find further information about this treatment.