Tag Archives: skin whitening

How to Treat Your Acne Scar Quickly?

Acne is a skin condition that affects many men and women and while some get pimples occasionally, some have more aggressive acne. Depending upon the type and intensity of acne people seek different solutions and remedies to treat acne. For most people, acne has its first onset in teenage and is associated with hormonal changes, excessive oil productions and pollutants getting trapped in open pores. Sometimes acne seems to settle down on its own once you grow out of your teenage, for others, it means a life long struggles.

 Even if the acne goes away or the scars usually don’t. A pimple may last for a couple of weeks but a scar will not fade away for months. This can get problematic and may make you feel less comfortable in your skin. For many men and women, their appearance is an important contributor to their confidence. Waiting for the scars to heal on their own or for topical creams or multivitamins to help heal the scars can take longer and may demand patience. For those who go out to work daily, this is not an option and they want quick and immediate results.  It is natural to look for a quick solution to get rid of acne scars. Surgery is too invasive and expensive process, therefore many look for nonsurgical procedures that can give immediate and visible results. Luckily there are many options available now and we will discuss each one of those here.

In this article, we will only discuss safe and established treatment methods for acne scars recommended by Pinnacle Figures, one of the most popular and reliable aesthetic clinics in Johor Bahru Malaysia. These procedures are completely non-invasive or minimally invasive, with little to no side effects and downtime. If done correctly you should not feel any major discomfort and with the minimum, aftercare you are good to go back to your normal routine soon after the procedure.

 Laser Resurfacing

Resurfacing means replacing the older surface with a new one. This is an excellent option because the laser can precisely target the problematic area, peel off the dead cells and scar tissues without disturbing the surrounding skin. The tiny spots from where the upper layer of skin is removed with the help of laser are later naturally healed and replaced with new healthy skin cells.



Along with scars, acne sometimes leaves behind the tiny pits on the skin, which can only be treated by using fine needles to inject soft tissue fillers. The results are immediately visible and dramatic improvement is seen in the skin condition.


This is a mildly invasive form of a minor surgery where a very fine needle is inserted underneath the outer skin layer through a tiny puncture to cut the fibrous tissue binding the scar with the inner layers. This effectively removes the scar which is then allowed to heal naturally in a healthy way. It is an in-office procedure with minimum downtime and immediate results which last for a very long period.

Cross treatment with TCA

This is one of the popular choices for chemical peels which works the same as resurfacing methods. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a chemical peeling agent and is applied topically to remove the scar tissues, which are then replaced with healthier new skin cells.

PRP micro-needling.

In this procedure, your own blood is drawn out and platelet-rich plasma is extracted from it. This extract has magical powers of healing and nourishing the wounds when injected at the sites of scars it helps heal them and repair the incisions made through micro-needling.  PRP Microneedling is an efficient solution for a variety of skin problems like acne scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and loose skin on the face.

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Is PRP Treatment for face Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful time of life for many women, however, most women do not actually feel beautiful during this time. A majority of pregnant women struggle with body image during pregnancy. Some might feel uncomfortable with the weight gain while others feel anxious about the way they look. Many women face skin problems like acne, hyperpigmentation, dark spots and mask of pregnancy or dull and dry skin in general while they are pregnant. This is due to the hormonal changes and can usually be covered by makeup. Most doctors advise that you should avoid getting any procedures done during pregnancy to improve your skin condition. You will be advised to make a healthier diet, plenty of water and appropriate exercise for better skin rather than opting for any treatments that can potentially be harmful to your skin.


Obviously, products used in facials and chemical peels can be absorbed into the bloodstream and harm unborn babies in unpredictable ways. Similarly, gettings drips and injections for skin lightening is strictly advised against when pregnant. These can lead to complications in pregnancy and possibly cause deformities in the baby. Introducing anything foreign in your body is a risk that you will not want to take, but what if there was a technique in which we do not put any foreign compounds or chemicals on our skin or in our body. Yes, we are talking about PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) therapy.


Plasma is a blood cell that works on sites of injury and helps in healing, regeneration, and production of structural protein. This makes them a suitable candidate for helping in skin rejuvenation. They work to heal scars, generate new cells and give fresh and younger-looking skin.

In PRP your blood is withdrawn, platelets are separated from it and then this plasma which has a higher concentration of your own platelets is introduced back into your body either with micro-needling or mesotherapy. Logic dictates that since you are not introducing anything foreign in your body, it should be safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. However, injections no matter how tiny they are bare the chances of infection. Even if you take all the precautions and avoid getting any infections, it can not be said for sure if a higher concentration of platelets could be a threat to pregnancy or the baby. It is a serious matter and no risks must be taken based on uneducated guesses. It’s best if you seek consultation from a qualified and expert doctor who has appropriate certification. A certified practitioner will be better able to assess your history and based on your case will give you the right advice. 

If you are in Johor Bahru, Pinnacle Figure is an excellent option among all the aesthetic clinics to consider. They have a  team of highly qualified surgeons, dermatologists, gynecologists, technicians, and nurses. You can trust them to give you a great consultancy. Their facilities are present at three prime locations of the city and they offer international standards at locally competitive prices.

What is the best way to get rid of dark circles overnight?

Do you feel your dark circles make you look like a grim reaper or a panda? Either way, its Halloween season and you can get by. However, if this is not your costume idea and you actually want to look as fresh and young as you feel, these dark circles need to go away. Have you tried the famous cucumber patch thing yet? Didn’t work, right? Thought so, why else you will be reading this article then.

If you are looking for an overnight solution to get rid of your dark circles you have only two real options, either you can cover them with makeup or get laser treatment for them. Sure you can spend your precious time trying the cold compress, cucumber, tomato juice, milk mask, lemon peel, tea bags and coffee scrub but they will not help. I am not saying that these do not work at all but it will be weeks before you actually get to see any difference at all because if those dark circles didn’t appear overnight they are not going anywhere overnight. So let’s get to the two ways you can help your self when you need to instantly get rid of those gruesome dark circles.

Colour Corrector and Counsellors 

If you want to cover it up with makeup go get an orange colour corrector or a good concealer from any brand of your choice. It will do the job at least as long as your make up is on. If you are planning to go swimming or crying during the day, chances are it will not last long. Unless you buy a product which is actually waterproof and smudge resistant.  Then again these expensive products only promise to do their job which is hiding the dark circles under the layers of makeup and once the makeup is off your face the dark circles are still right there smirking at you. 

Now let’s move on to the laser treatment for removing dark circles.

Laser Treatment

If you are tired of home remedies and over the counter topical creams or just do not have the commitment in you to use them every day, this could be a winner for you. Laser therapy works in the same way for the dark circle as it works of hyperpigmentation. The pulse of the laser is capable of acting very precisely and only destroying the dark coloured pigmentation known as melanin. The destruction of melanin accumulation under your eyes gives you brighter-looking eyes. This also triggers the production of collagen which stimulates regeneration of skin giving you even more fresh looking eyes. The results are visible instantly and become more pronounced over the days. Sure this is a more expensive option but it is easily the quickest way to fix the problem at hand for sure. However, eyes are sensitive and you must not risk by hiring services of any unqualified practitioner with no real experience. They can offer you a cheaper price but really it’s not worth the risk. It is a medical procedure and should be carried out by only certified dermatologist with appropriate certification and experience.


How to have younger-looking skin without surgery – Skin Rejuvenation

It natural to want to look beautiful but as you age your body changes and these changes are visible on your face. Signs of ageing can make you look tired and unwelcoming even when you don’t feel that way. This happens because of changes in hormones and loss of fat and elasticity in muscles. When muscles lose their strength the facial structures they are supporting start to lose the shape. This effect is even more highlighted due to the loss of fat under the skin. This leads to loose skin, fine lines on forehead and wrinkles around the eyes, nose and lips. Loss of pigmentation causes grey hair and uneven skin tone. All in all once very pretty face does not stay pretty over the years.

Many men and women dread these signs of ageing and go to extensive lengths to slow down the ageing process. However, not all are willing to take drastic measures like surgeries and some find it hard to commit to religiously following a strict beauty regime on a daily basis. This lead to the creation of a different line of solution and these are called non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments.

These treatments are mildly invasive to noninvasive and obviously deliver less drastic changes than surgery. They can be performed in a clinical setting instead of operation theaters, and do not require to administer general anesthesia. Practitioners may use local anesthesia, numbing creams or pain killers depending upon the case at hand. Many practitioner prefer them over surgery as it is easier to control results and sometimes even reverse results if the customer is not satisfied. As the changes are subtle clients may have to take several sessions before they reach the desired goal. Some touch up is also required after a while. There might be some downtime depending upon the treatment and sometimes aftercare is required. You should also inform your doctor if you have any medical conditon, have recently taken any medicine or are pregnant. Discuss if you have any allergies, any skin condition, rashes, sunburn or any other issues. Treat this as a medical procedure rather than an aesthetic treatment.

Among these treatments, the most popular ones are the Botox, fillers,  micro needling, PRP, and thread lifts. All these treatments are mildly invasive and have a little downtime and aftercare required. Other noninvasive treatment options are chemical peels, oxygen facials, RF treatment, laser skin rejuvenation and HIFU face lift. These treatments will give less pronounced results in comparison and you might need several sessions before you can see satisfactory improvement. Based on your goals and comfort level you can choose from them or use a combination of them after consulting a qualified and experienced doctor. 

Word of Caution

Always remember, although these are noninvasive but still medical procedures and need to be administered by a qualified doctor in proper clinical settings. Ask around and consider the word of mouth as the most reliable source. Inquire about the qualifications and work experience of the practitioner. Make sure your doctor is who he claims to be and knows what he is dealing with. Also, demand the before and after pictures with the follow-up pictures so you can go in with a prepared mind and realistic expectations. Be very sure of consequences and read carefully if you are asked to sign any consent form prior to treatment. You can check with Pinnacle Figures if you are Johor Bahru as they are one of the best team of qualified doctors and nurses. They have three facilities in the accessible areas of city and a keen to help staff to make you feel at home.

Why Prevention Of Sun Rays Is Important To Get Effective Skin Whitening Treatment Results?

skin whitening

Skin spots affect badly one’s personality and weaken a person’s confidence. That is why lots of people want to eliminate these dark spots. People who face liver spots and hyperpigmentation choose skin whitening treatment to eliminate these problems. There are multiple methods to discolor the hyperpigmentation.

Many exfoliating products are used to remove top layers of skin. Exposure to sun also affects skin badly. After getting skin whitening treatments, skin becomes more sensitive to sun exposure therefore, it is important to avoid sun exposure. Microdermabrasion and other skin exfoliation procedures help in making skin beautiful, fresh and attractive. However, these treatments and laser skin whitening treatment make the skin more sensitive, as a result, it can cause sunburns. Moreover, the skin products more melanin to prevent the damaging results of the sun’s rays that can cause more brown spots to appear even in the new layers of skin. Therefore, always protect your skin from sun exposure after getting skin treatment.

The sun rays are considered as one of the most detrimental of your skin’s enemies. Every person who has taken this treatment should ensure that he/she stays far from sun rays. Skin whitening treatment is famous all over the world as white skin tone is considered the sign of beauty in most parts of the world especially in Asian countries.

Skin whitening process comprises of various treatments that makes the skin glowing. Skin whitening procedures are in demand all over the world.

A person must adopt the solution after consulting the professional to ensure safe and effective results. These skin whitening treatments deliver miraculous results if a skin care specialist performs this task.

Choosing the right clinic is important to get safe and effective results. A lot of beauty clinics are providing their services all over the world. It is important to choose a reputable clinic. A clinic that has team of expert aestheticians and years of experience can provide safe and effective treatments.

Pinnaclefigure” has a team of expert aestheticians that provide a lot of skin treatments in Malaysia. A lot of people have taken treatments from this clinic and have positive reviews about it. Choose this clinic to get quality and safe treatment.