Tag Archives: #skintreatment

#Mesotherapy #Injections, the #pain and the #gain

Mesotherapy Injections, the pain, and the gain

Mesotherapy is quickly growing popular treatment for skin rejuvenation and other benefits. Some local spas and salons are also offering this therapy and marketing it as vampire facial. Despite the popularity of the treatment, there is still a great mystery around the topic. Here are some relevant question answered for your better understanding of the topic.

What are the benefits of mesotherapy injections?

Since mesotherapy is able to deliver nutrients, minerals, multivitamins, antioxidants directly under the skin layer where they are very easily absorbed, it has several benefits. There is no FDA approved formula for mesotherapy so your doctor can customise a mix of FDA approved components according to your problem and goals.  In terms of precision and targeted treatment, it is next to laser therapy and fillers. The nutrients can be selectively injected directly under the problematic area. It can help your skin through nourishment, hydration, improvement of the blood circulation and stimulating collagen production. The main goal is facial skin rejuvenation and it helps by reducing wrinkles, fading away marks, spots and scars. It is sometimes paired with PRP, which is platelet-rich plasma therapy. In PRP, platelets are extracted from your own blood and are injected under your facial skin through micro-needling in higher concertation.

How much the injections hurt?

 Mesotherapy Injections is a mildly invasive non-surgical aesthetic procedure that can be done in clinical settings. Since nutrients will be delivered underneath your skin layer by puncturing tiny holes in your skin with the help of very fine needles, you should be mentally prepared for slight pain, bleeding and inflammation. It is done after applying a numbing creme or local anaesthesia, however, it is not completely painless. The intensity of reported pain experienced varies from patient to patient depending upon their pain tolerance, however, if administered correctly by a qualified and experienced doctor you should not experience a pain that is unmanageable or intolerable. You should also expect to feel a little soreness or discomfort, redness and inflammation for a short while after the treatment is administered but these are usual side-effects and will subside after a while. Your skin should return to normal in a day or two if any bruise or inflammation persists afterwards consult your doctor.

How soon the results will be visible?

As nutrients are being injected under your skin where they are readily absorbed by your skin layers, you will be able to see an immediate difference. As the inflammation subsides, results will become more visible. You will be able to see the full impact of injections within two to three weeks as this is the time nutrients need to help nourish and heal your skin.

How much it will cost?

That greatly depends upon where you chose to get it from. Some local spas are offering this treatment at a much cheaper rate but it’s a great health hazard because they do not have qualified doctors at their pannel who can give consultancy for these medical procedures. Any accidental mistake or carelessness or lack of knowledge can have serious health consequences. It is better to pay more to a qualified doctor or aesthetician who has the right set of training and skills to safely administer the treatment. You can ask around for most pocket-friendly doctors and clinic or receive a quote from Pinnacle Figure aesthetic centre as they are known for providing international standard services at half the price.

Causes of Acne, Acne Scars and Their Treatment

Acne typically starts to appear in teenage when the puberty hormones start to kick in. This is the time when most girls and boys start to become conscious about their looks and appearance and its very annoying that this is the time when pimples chose to make their first appearance. Acne can not only be painful but embarrassing and can take a toll on your self-esteem and confidence as a teenager, As you grow you look for treatments or learn to cover it under the makeup. Sometimes makeup causes you to break out even worse. On the other hand, acne seems to get worse just before any significant event. Sometimes eating healthy help, sometimes it just doesn’t. If only you knew what is causing acne you will be able to find a better solution. Today we will explain here what acne actually is, what causes acne and what is the most effective and quickest remedy for acne.

What Causes Acne?

Acne pimples are the basic inflammatory reaction of the body against the dust, dead skin and excess oils trapped in skin pore. Depending upon the nature and intensity of acne, you can get whiteheads, blackheads, cysts or nodules. All of these have different anatomy and must be treated differently. While the role of diet, infections or lifestyle in aggravating acne is not scientifically proven, strong scientific evidence points towards genetics and stress as contributors towards acne. 

What Causes Acne Scars?

When acne lesion or inflammation in the skin layers does not heal normally and instead scar tissues are formed due to lack of collagen, scars are formed. The most common type of acne scars is Atrophic acne scars which are formed due to lack of production of collagen during the healing process. Another problematic scaring after nodular acne is Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) which is basically an accumulation of dark pigmentation on site of the lesion making an appearance of the inflamed dark mark.

How to treat acne and acne scars?

Acne is a long term skin disease and doctors recommend early aggressive treatment to prevent problems like scaring and psychological effects related to acne. Anitinflimatory topical medicines, skincare products with silicic acid, regular exfoliating and hydrations help calm down acne. Oral consumption of Vit C helps regular production collagen and therefore helps in fading scars. You can read more about the safe and effective ways of treating acne scars recommended by Pincale Figures, one of the growingly popular aesthetic centers in Malaysia operating under the supervision of Dr. Terence Teoh. They are offering  Laser Resurfacing, Fillers, Subcision, cross treatment with TCA and PRP micro-needling. A qualified doctor can provide you the best consultation for the type of treatment that will best suit you depending upon the nature and intensity of your problem.

How to Treat Your Acne Scar Quickly?

Acne is a skin condition that affects many men and women and while some get pimples occasionally, some have more aggressive acne. Depending upon the type and intensity of acne people seek different solutions and remedies to treat acne. For most people, acne has its first onset in teenage and is associated with hormonal changes, excessive oil productions and pollutants getting trapped in open pores. Sometimes acne seems to settle down on its own once you grow out of your teenage, for others, it means a life long struggles.

 Even if the acne goes away or the scars usually don’t. A pimple may last for a couple of weeks but a scar will not fade away for months. This can get problematic and may make you feel less comfortable in your skin. For many men and women, their appearance is an important contributor to their confidence. Waiting for the scars to heal on their own or for topical creams or multivitamins to help heal the scars can take longer and may demand patience. For those who go out to work daily, this is not an option and they want quick and immediate results.  It is natural to look for a quick solution to get rid of acne scars. Surgery is too invasive and expensive process, therefore many look for nonsurgical procedures that can give immediate and visible results. Luckily there are many options available now and we will discuss each one of those here.

In this article, we will only discuss safe and established treatment methods for acne scars recommended by Pinnacle Figures, one of the most popular and reliable aesthetic clinics in Johor Bahru Malaysia. These procedures are completely non-invasive or minimally invasive, with little to no side effects and downtime. If done correctly you should not feel any major discomfort and with the minimum, aftercare you are good to go back to your normal routine soon after the procedure.

 Laser Resurfacing

Resurfacing means replacing the older surface with a new one. This is an excellent option because the laser can precisely target the problematic area, peel off the dead cells and scar tissues without disturbing the surrounding skin. The tiny spots from where the upper layer of skin is removed with the help of laser are later naturally healed and replaced with new healthy skin cells.



Along with scars, acne sometimes leaves behind the tiny pits on the skin, which can only be treated by using fine needles to inject soft tissue fillers. The results are immediately visible and dramatic improvement is seen in the skin condition.


This is a mildly invasive form of a minor surgery where a very fine needle is inserted underneath the outer skin layer through a tiny puncture to cut the fibrous tissue binding the scar with the inner layers. This effectively removes the scar which is then allowed to heal naturally in a healthy way. It is an in-office procedure with minimum downtime and immediate results which last for a very long period.

Cross treatment with TCA

This is one of the popular choices for chemical peels which works the same as resurfacing methods. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a chemical peeling agent and is applied topically to remove the scar tissues, which are then replaced with healthier new skin cells.

PRP micro-needling.

In this procedure, your own blood is drawn out and platelet-rich plasma is extracted from it. This extract has magical powers of healing and nourishing the wounds when injected at the sites of scars it helps heal them and repair the incisions made through micro-needling.  PRP Microneedling is an efficient solution for a variety of skin problems like acne scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and loose skin on the face.